Julie Guo, full stack react/ruby on rails web developer, Paris, France

Julie Guo

Your next React.js/Rails full stack web dev

Cell: 06 50 59 04 60
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I create, transform and maintain your responsive Web APPs in React/Rails pair or Rails only, as well as your rails API, pure ruby back and Progressive Web Applications



Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Rails API, PostgreSQL, Redis

JavaScript (ES6), React.js, Node.js

Heroku, Vercel, Gitlab CI

MiniTest, Rspec, Jasmine, Cypress testing

TDD, Agile (scrum), Git, Github Project Board


English, Chinese Mandarin, French


The Hacking Project - Paris

Tech stack: React.js/Ruby on Rails/PostgreSQL
Methods: Github project management

Background in Business Analysis, Accounting and Linguistics


Ruby and Rails APPs Client projects, repo on demand

  • An "EventBrite" like partner match built with Rails: LuckyLink
  • Pur Ruby back for a Gmail usage tracker on end users, using Gmail API and OAuth: GreenMail
  • Rails MVP questionnaire tool for a law firm: BoldSI (see Malt for client testimonial)

JavaScript and React APPs Pure front demos with repo

Open source contributions

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See Malt client testimonials
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